Image of Lee Harvey Oswald in handcuffs at the Dallas police headquarters
Object number1994.003.0024.0002
Bill Winfrey
ObjectNegative (b&w)
Credit LineBill Winfrey, photographer, Tom C. Dillard Collection, The Dallas Morning News/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza
Dimensions2 1/4 x 2 1/4 in. (5.7 x 5.7 cm)
DescriptionOriginal black and white negative by Dallas Morning News photographer Bill Winfrey. The image shows suspect Lee Harvey Oswald being escorted by homicide detective Elmer Boyd into the third floor hallway of Dallas police headquarters after his first interrogation session with Captain Will Fritz. Associated Press photographer Ferd Kaufman can be seen behind Oswald on the left.
Curatorial CommentaryPerhaps the most famous photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald following his arrest, this image by Dallas Morning News photographer Bill Winfrey has been discussed and debated for years. To some, Oswald appears to be making a defiant gesture with his raised fists, perhaps giving a Communist sign. Others believe that the prisoner was showing off his handcuffs to the news media. News film of this instant shows that Oswald's fists were raised very briefly, for less than two seconds, as he was quickly escorted out of Captain Fritz's office. Nevertheless, whenever this image is published in books and magazines, the photo caption typically makes a determination on the meaning behind Oswald's raised arms. - Stephen Fagin, Curator
Dallas Morning News chief photographer Tom Dillard kept many of his unpublished negatives, as did other News photographers. Dillard also kept negatives taken by other photographers in his department, such as this and several other Bill Winfrey negatives. Of all the assassination-related images from Dallas Morning News photographers, this one is probably the most famous. - Gary Mack, Curator
Bill Winfrey
12/23/1963 - 03/14/1964
Darryl Heikes
Dallas Times Herald photographer
Darryl Heikes
Darryl Heikes
Dallas Times Herald photographer
Dallas Times Herald photographer