"Memories From Dealey Plaza" Program
- Oral histories
- Assassination
- Eyewitnesses
- Motorcade
- Dealey Plaza
- Limousine
- Triple underpass
- Witnesses
- Wounds
- TV coverage
- Trip to Texas
- Radio
- Motorcycles
- Kennedy, John F.
- Kennedy, Jacqueline
- Newman, Bill
- Newman, Gayle
- Newman Family
- Allman, Pierce
- Chism, Rickey
- Fagin, Stephen
- Dallas County Sheriff's Department
- Dallas
- Dealey Plaza Eyewitnesses (OHC)
- News Media (OHC)
- Childhood Recollections (OHC)
- Motorcade Spectators (OHC)
Although all of these panelists participated in multiple oral history recordings at The Sixth Floor Museum over the years, this was the only time that they came together as a group for an eyewitness panel discussion.
Pierce Allman recorded an oral history in 1995 (Pierce Allman Oral History – Works – The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza (jfk.org)). He also participated in five Museum programs between 2006 and 2016, including this 2014 Living History public program: Living History with Pierce Allman (youtube.com). He passed away on November 29, 2022.
Rickey Chism, alongside his late mother, Marvin Faye Chism, recorded an oral history in 2012 (Marvin Faye and Rickey Chism Oral History – Works – The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza (jfk.org)). On his own, Rickey also participated in three Museum programs, including this 2013 eyewitness panel discussion: JFK Assassination 50th Anniversary Media Open House - Eyewitness Panel (youtube.com).
Bill and Gayle Newman recorded oral histories in 1993 (Bill and Gayle Newman Oral History – Works – The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza (jfk.org)) and 2003 (Kennedy Assassination: Bill and Gayle Newman, Part 1 | C-SPAN.org). Together, separately, and even alongside their two sons, the Newmans have participated in a dozen Museum programs over the years, including this 2013 panel discussion with the entire family: Living History with The Newmans (youtube.com). - Stephen Fagin, Curator
There are no works to discover for this record.