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T22 Transcript of the State vs. Ruby: Statement of Facts: Jury Trial, Volume 7

Object number1994.002.0006.0007
Credit LineDallas County District Clerk Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza
Dimensions11 1/4 × 8 5/8 × 1 1/8 in. (28.6 × 21.9 × 2.9 cm)
DescriptionTranscript of the State vs. Jack Ruby: Statement of Facts: Jury Trial, Volume 7. Melvin Belli, Joe Tonahill and Phil Burleson represented the defendant, Jack Ruby; Henry Wade, Dallas County District Attorney, was the prosecutor, assisted by Jim Bowie, Bill Alexander and Frank Watts. The presiding judge was Judge Joe B. Brown. The witnesses who appeared on this day of the trial were Dr. Walter Bromberg, Hillel E. Silverman, Curtis L. Craford, Sam Pate, Kenneth Dowe, Arnold C. Gadash, Frank Bellocchio, Ingrid Carter, T. R. Apple, Stanley Kaufman, Herman Ulevitch, Dr. Coleman Jacobson, Russell Moore, Dr. Robert Schwab, Dr. Francis M. Forrester, Dr. Roland McKay, Alice Nichols and Dr. Frederic Gibbs. After testimony from Jack Ruby's rabbi, Hillel Silverman, and from Arnold Gadash, a printer who discussed the anti-Kennedy ad that ran in the newspaper the day of the assassination, among many others, both the State and the Defense rested. Transcript retains original covers and pages are numbered 1387A - 1668; typed on thin onionskin paper. Each page is individually stamped "Copyright (c) 1964, Shirley M. Stinebaugh - James Muleady, Dallas, Texas". Typed text on the cover: "No. E. 4010-J In the Criminal District Court No. 3, of Dallas County, Texas. January Term, A. D. 1964. The State of Texas vs. Jack Rubenstein Alias Jack Ruby Statement of Facts Jury Trial - March 4 - 14, 1964 Volume Seven March 12, 1964 - Pages 1387A - 1668 (Copy)" At the bottom is a short printed statement: "James J. Muleady Official Court Reporter 2nd Floor Records Bldg. Annex Phone Riverside 1-5624 Dallas, Texas"
Curatorial Commentary
You can see Jack Ruby's personal copy of the anti-Kennedy ad mentioned in testimony in this transcript on our online collections site by searching for L2017.1.100. - Lindsey Richardson, Curator of Collections
The Museum recorded oral histories with the following individuals named in this document: Rabbi Hillel Silverman, journalist Sam Pate, defense attorneys Joe Tonahill and Phil Burleson and Dallas County D.A. Henry Wade. In addition, Kathy Forster Marot, daughter of the late Dr. Francis Forster, recorded an oral history with the Museum. [Note that this transcript misspells Dr. Forster's last name as "Forrester."] - Stephen Fagin, Curator
Hillel Silverman was rabbi at Temple Shearith Israel in Dallas from 1954 to 1964. Although he knew Jack Ruby only casually prior to the assassination, largely since Ruby was not a regular at services, attending only sporadically, Silverman visited Ruby several times in jail following the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald. As he recalled in his 2006 oral history, "[Ruby] told me when I visited him in prison that he loved President Kennedy. He was a great supporter of President Kennedy, and he thought, he told me, this was a terrible, terrible tragedy and disaster that happened in Dallas. And he said he did not want Jackie to come back and testify in court, and he took things into his own hands." In addition to being widely identified as "Jack Ruby's rabbi," Silverman is also known as the father of actor Jonathan Silverman, who was born three years after the Kennedy assassination. A prolific actor beginning in the 1980s, Rabbi Silverman's son starred in movies such as Caddyshack II (1988) and Weekend at Bernie's (1989). - Stephen Fagin, Curator