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Bill Minutaglio Oral History

Object number2014.001.0044
ClassificationsOral Histories
Oral history interview subject Bill Minutaglio
Oral history interviewer Stephen Fagin
ObjectOral history
Credit LineOral History Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza
MediumBorn digital (.m2ts file)
DimensionsDuration: 88 Minutes
DescriptionVideotaped oral history interview with Bill Minutaglio. A native of New York, Minutaglio moved to Dallas in 1983 and worked at The Dallas Morning News for eighteen years. Currently a journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin, he is co-author of the best-selling book "Dallas 1963" (2013). Interview conducted at Mr. Minutaglio's office at UT Austin on April 18, 2014 by Stephen Fagin. The interview is one hour and twenty-eight minutes long.
Curatorial Commentary
Less than a week prior to this oral history in Austin, Bill Minutaglio participated in a public program at The Sixth Floor Museum. It may be viewed on the Museum's YouTube channel: The City of Hate: A Conversation with Quin Mathews and Bill Minutaglio ( His Dallas 1963 (2013) co-author, Steven L. Davis, participated in a separate public program at the Museum in November 2013 (Dallas 1963 ( and recorded an oral history with the Museum on April 20, 2014. - Stephen Fagin, Curator  
In addition to Dallas 1963 (2013), Bill Minutaglio has written more than a dozen books, including titles that explore Texas sports, music and politics, the 1947 Texas City industrial disaster and biographies of Timothy Leary, Molly Ivins and George W. Bush. The Museum has three of his books in our Library Collection: Bibliovation | Catalog Search Results. Minutaglio has won multiple awards, including the National Literary Award for Dallas 1963 from PEN Center USA, a literary and human rights organization. - Stephen Fagin, Curator
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