Dr. Dolores Tadlock Oral History
Object number2008.001.0062
ClassificationsOral Histories
Oral history interview subject
Dr. Dolores Tadlock
Oral history interviewer
Stephen Fagin
ObjectOral history
Credit LineOral History Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza
DimensionsDuration: 47 Minutes
- India
- Vietnam
- Protests
- Education
- Volunteers
- Author
- Oral histories
- Shriver, R. Sargent
- Tadlock, Dr. Dolores
- Peace Corps
- Peace Corps Volunteer
- Peace Corps (OHC)
- Vietnam (OHC)
- Authors, Filmmakers, and Researchers (OHC)
- History of 411 Elm Street and The Sixth Floor Museum (OHC)
- Dallas and 1960s History and Culture (OHC)
DescriptionAudio oral history with Dr. Dolores Tadlock. An educator and author, Tadlock served in the Peace Corps from 1964 to 1966 and was part of the first group assigned to work in West Bengal, India. Upon her return to the United States, Tadlock and her husband became active anti-Vietnam War activists.
Interview conducted by telephone on July 30, 2008 by Stephen Fagin. The interview is forty-seven minutes long.
Curatorial CommentaryOne of Dr. Tadlock's academic articles, written when she was a PhD candidate and teaching assistant at Washington State College, was published in the Journal of Reading by the International Literacy Association in November 1978. A copy may be accessed online, via academic or institutional subscription, through the JSTOR digital library: SQ3R: Why It Works, Based on an Information Processing Theory of Learning on JSTOR. - Stephen Fagin, Curator
Since its opening in February 1989, The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza has displayed a photograph of Dolores Tadlock volunteering with the Peace Corps in India. - Stephen Fagin, Curator